Finally it's time! We are herded in small groups to where the "magic happens" aka where are given our seat assignment badges and nifty wristbands. We also had to deal with taking care of our Photo Ops that needed switched...We had I think 4 or 5 Photo Ops that needed trading in, and the chick handling the info at the first check in was a total "itch" and not very informative or helpful at all. Thankfully we were able to get more info at the "Autograph/Photo Op" window and the gentleman there was more than helpful and even went to the "Itch" and set her straight! Thanks dude!!! After we get everything straightened out we head over to the Merchandise area to check out everything we must have! I have to say I did rather well at not going overboard buying stuff. I made sure I didn't take a lot of extra money with me to help avoid going overboard! I was sad to see only 3 booths set up...1 with A lot of different Merchandise. Another with 8 x 10 photos and finally the Hillywood girls had a booth as well. I guess all the other vendors couldn't make the trip. We decide we have enough time left to take our "valuables" back to our room, and grab some lunch before the festivities begin.

We go back to the Ballroom by 3 to find our seats and get situated before the first Q & A with the lovely Leah Gibson! Around 3:30 we get the Official Start of the Convention kicked off by Hilli and Hannah of the Hillywood's. We are showed their parody of Eclipse before Leah takes to the stage. I must admit, once Leah was announced as a guest I was puzzled. I had to research "Nettie", then once I saw her picture it hit me that she was one of the girls with Maria when Jasper showed up. The one thing I absolutely LOVED about the lineup for this convention was that besides it being my first Twilight Convention...it was also the first convention for three of the guests! yay for newbies!!!

Up next they show clips from the Convention in LA....and Yes/No question contest...Then the ladies from Twilight Lexicon take the stage. Up next NIKKI FREAKING REED! *fangirl squeal* Ok allow me to pause for a bit of back story here...In my mind there has always been two people in my dream convention lineup apart from the obvious ROB! Kellan and Nikki have always been my dream....And once I found out Nikki was coming I was like a kid on Christmas morning! I was beyond excited! Not to mention that Rosalie is my favorite character period! I've followed Nikki's work for sometime. She's such a talented person! I must say that when they announced Nikki's name for her to take the stage I had stars in my eyes! Her whole Q & A was so great and I am still in fangirl mode up till the Photo Op...Which was Amazing, I look so funny in the picture but I love it because you can truly see how freaking excited I was to meet her!

After the Nikki Photo Op we made it back down to the ballroom to get ready for Autographs. I had my Eclipse book signed by both Leah & Nikki and I got two photo's of Nikki signed...one for me and one for my niece. It was there that we got fussed at by an evil little man with a big head, whom for the remainder of the weekend avoided us like the plague! All we did was take a picture of the ladies signing our books... But we still snuck in pictures of Leah signing our books so :P You big Meany! Leah was super nice We thanked her for coming and she Thanked us for having her there and for being great fans, and then she called me pumpkin! lol Never have I been called Pumpkin before so I thought it was really funny. We go back to our seats and wait for the Private Q & A with Nikki to start.

Nikki came back on stage for her Q & A and it was awesome...She made it like we were all just a bunch of friends catching up. She let a Breaking Dawn sneak peek scene slip, and after realizing she wasn't supposed to say anything she hid her head and laughed it off. Someone had asked her about the song "Hands" that she supposedly co-wrote with Robert Pattinson for Rob's sister Lizzy. Nikki explains that she was hurt a bit by how it's portrayed that she was co-writer on the song. She wrote the entire song herself, but it just goes to show you how things in the media gets blown out of proportion. And she hopes someone there was recording it...She glanced over at me points to me and said "She is! Perfect" *dies* I just got called out by Nikki! *fangirl squeal* Then sadly it was time for Nikki to leave us...I can't speak for anybody besides myself but Day 1 was absolutely Fangtastic! We decided to pass on the Karaoke and try to get some rest before Day 2......
To Be Continued.......
P.S. If you've never heard the song mentioned above, here's a video of Lizzy singing Nikki's song she wrote called Hands...Enjoy!
LOOOOOOOVE IT ALL! It sounds amazing! I'm so happy that you had such a great experience! :)